Lab Library

For your convenience, you can find and bookmark the lab library as a Google Doc at the following link. If you have any questions about lab availability or new lab ideas, be sure to e-mail the Outreach Team at!

Lab Library

Beans LabBiology, EcologyGermination, Photosynthesis
Blood TransfusionBiology, Human AnatomyBlood Type/Donation
Blow up a Balloon with Cellular RespirationChemistry, BiologyRespiration, Reactions, Fermentation
Break the Tension: a Water ExperimentChemistryMolecular Structure, Polarity, Surface Tension, Surfactants
Building ElementsChemistry, Physical ScienceSubatomic Particles, Atoms, Charge, Bonds, Molecule Structures
Effect of Oil on BirdsChemistry, EcologySolubility, Polarity, Sustainability
Explore States of Matter with Dancing RaisinsPhysical ScienceStates of Matter, Shape, Volume, Density
Extracting DNA from StrawberriesBiologyDNA Structure, Appearance, Importance, Detergents
Lava LampPhysical ScienceDensity, Solubility
Mirror, MirrorPhysicsReflection, Light
OobleckChemistryScientific Observation, States of Matter, Reactions, Polymers
Rainbow PaperPhysicsLight, Wavelength, Color
Secret FormulasChemistryChromatography, Solvation, Flow
See a RaindropEarth ScienceProperties of Water, Cohesion, Adhesion, Surface Tension
Separate Salt and Pepper with Static ElectricityPhysical ScienceElectricity, +/- Charge, Static Electricity, Attraction, Generation
Spread of Infectious DiseasesChemistry, Biology, MathDiseases, Scientific Modeling, pH, Acids/Bases, Exponential Equations
Shiny PenniesChemistryReactions, Acids